martial arts of kung fu

Martial Arts as you’ve never seen it before. Masters from 20 different disciplines show you what they know, teaching you how their moves work and...

When a comrade is captured by a hostile warlord, five martial arts masters confront the villain’s foot soldiers, valiantly battling through their resistance until they...

A top Martial Arts student proves his skills and determination after being challenged by a local gangster.

Fists fly when four generations of old-school fighters compete for Madame Green Plum’s beautiful daughter in this action-packed martial arts classic. Kung fu masters Silver...

The grandfather of a family of expert banquet chefs (who is a martial arts master as well as a master cook) and his grandson survive...

The Martial Arts as you have never seen them before. Masters from 20 different disciplines show you what they know, teaching you how their moves...

The Martial Arts as you have never seen them before. Masters from 20 different disciplines show you what they know, teaching you how their moves...

Chen Sing demonstrates his considerable martial arts prowess in this early 1970s kung fu classic.

A Martial arts master accompanies a beautiful singer with equal kung fu abilities to an ultimate showdown.

A band of counterfeiters wants to make Hong Kong their new territory. The disgraced leader of the Special Squad will have to team-up with a...

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