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No Place Like Home

Twelve years after his parents mysterious death, David Stevens and his new Family return home to put his dark past behind him. Soon after David’s...

Weenie Roast Massacre

A former high school football star starts to notice strange things at the annual weenie roast. As the line between reality and illusion blurs, the...


A mockumentary parodying the subject of aliens and UFOs. The first segment begins during the American Civil War and how a confederate infantry stumbles upon...

The Fiend

Led by a sinister minister, a controlling religious sect called the Brethren has taken control of widow Birdy Wemys, sending her unstable son, Kenny, into...

Zeta One

A race of topless, large-breasted women from the planet Angvia, in another dimension, come to earth to kidnap women to repopulate their planet.

Naked Evil

Jamaican obi-man hexes student hostel manager, eventually causing the manager’s death, before being killed himself by the manager’s vengeful spirit.

Montauk, AZ.

Richard Clayton is a maintenance man at the local police station of the small town of Montauk, Arizona. He spends his days keeping the offices...


Longhaul is a documentary about a corruption that spreads across America, from one coast to another, and it is a corruption that you, the Reader...

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