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The Long, Hot Summer

Ben Quick arrives in Frenchman’s Bend, MS after being kicked out of another town for allegedly burning a barn for revenge. Will Varner owns just...

The Last Time I Saw Paris

Charles returns to Paris to reminisce about the life he led in Paris after it was liberated. He worked on “Stars and Stripes” when he...


A classic Tur-Du-Force by Dianna Ross, a legend of entertainment. Tracy (Ross), an aspiring designer from the slums of Chicago puts herself through fashion school...

Samurai Reincarnation (Makai Tensho)

After surviving the slaughter of many Christians 350 years ago, a samurai denounces God for ignoring the pleas of believers. He sells his soul to...

20 Million Miles To Earth

The first U.S. spaceship to Venus crash-lands off the coast of Sicily on its return trip. A dangerous, lizard-like creature comes with it and quickly...

Someone Behind The Door

A neurosurgeon with a cheating wife takes an amnesiac into his home and conditions him to believe that the cheating wife is his own and...

Son Of Cleopatra

In Roman-dominated Egypt, the corrupt administration of a governor named Petronius has sparked a revolt headed by El Kabir, a young man who learns that...


The town of Warlock is plagued by a gang of thugs, leading the inhabitants to hire Clay Blaisdell, a famous gunman, to act as marshal....

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