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The Ghosts in Our Machine

A multi-award winning documentary that illuminates the lives of individual animals living within and rescued from the machine of our modern world. Through the heart...

Rihanna – Up Close

Sexy, wild, unpredictable, but most off all – an amazing singer and performer. Rihanna is one of the most diverse superstars in modern music. Her...

Baby Brother

H, Casey and baby Severino have been split up after their mother’s death. Casey is in care; Severino has been fostered with a view to...

Angelina Jolie – Bad Girl Gone Good

Angelina Jolie was born to be a star. Since then she has starred in critically acclaimed films such as Gia, Girl Interrupted, Lara Croft: Tomb...

Steve Jobs – Consciously Genius

Possibly, the greatest mind of our time – this is the man that reinvented technology, as we know it. His passion and ingenuity have been...

Lebron James – King of Kings

The gifted child that pathed his way to become a basketball legend. His unwavering work ethic has garnered championship rings, Olympic Gold Medals, NBA Most...

Lionel Andres Messi – The Untold Story of Lionel Andres Messi

The greatest soccer player in history, the champion of champions, and a living legend. Messi is Barcelona’s all time top football scorer in all official...

Justin Timberlake – Iconic

He’s not only one of the sexiest men alive, he’s also a multi talented superstar. As a solo artist he has sold over 15 million...

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