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Fifty year old Cobb Mills revisits every year the small California town of Dusty Springs where he crashed his car seven years earlier and killed...

Taylor Swift – Her Life Her Story

Taylor Swift, a worldwide sensation – She represents the next generation of country pop performers. Her impeccable voice, great music, and youthful beauty have made...

Beyonce & Jay Z – Super Couple

The ultimate power couple is revealed in their full glory – Beyonce, a multi-platinum multiple Grammy winning artist, actress, producer and spokes model. Jay-Z a...


Government scientists create a fast-growing, genetically engineered strain of mold to wipe out cocoa fields – but this MOLD also feeds on human flesh! When...

Lou Ragland and Hot Chocolate Live

Music legend Lou Ragland and Hot Chocolate graced the stage at The Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland, Ohio in August 2012. Lou and his band mates...

One Direction – Invasion

One Direction is one of the most promising bands in modern music. Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, and Louis Tomlinson are a...

Anthology of Terror

Travel through three terrifying tales with The Archivist – a wanderer older than time, cursed to witness all the horrors of the world…and write them...

The Craving

Chef Ronnie is a charming celebrity chef who thrives and shines in her everyday life as owner and proprietor of Diabla Pica; a trendy Spanish...

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