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Jurassic Shark

When an oil company has unwittingly unleashed a prehistoric shark from its icy prison, the Jurassic killer maroons a group of art thieves and a...

Bloodwood Cannibals

Nigel Thorne and the crew of the internet series “Hunting the Unknown” usually fake their encounters with mythological creatures and the paranormal. While filming an...

Stand Off

Feminist Action like no other – A group of elite female bank robbers trapped in a Mexican stand off. When an uninvited police officer shows...

Twilight Hunters

A taut reinvention of vampire lore, “Twilight Hunters” opens in modern day North America, where construction workers uncover an old stone cross and what appears...

Mother’s Day Evil (Curio)

A mother and young daughter visit the English countryside to visit the dilapidated cottage they just inherited. Things go terribly wrong when they are visited...

Island Magic

Asia is a continent of islands: at its southern limit alone there are some 30,000 islands dashed across the watery surface of the world. On...

Lost Worlds: Life in the Balance

Inspired by Edmund O. Wilson’s “The Diversity of Life” and taking its name from Arthur Conan Doyle’s science fiction classic, this feature is a lively,...

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