Echelon 8
In the late 1990's the CIA formed a team called Echelon 3 to gather and filter intel to prevent terrorist acts. Echelon 3 was operating under the FISA act which meant they could not monitor U.S. communications or participate in torturing prisoners. When these rules were broken and their efforts led them to possibly stopping 9/11, their actions were deemed inappropriate and the team was stopped at Logon Airport and were unable to carry out their plans to prevent the catastrophe. The CIA then decided it was best to dismantle the Echelon 3 team in the hopes of burying this error in judgment. Eight years later, as terror plots begin to rise, it is decided that a need to revive a new Echelon team is necessary. However this time around a domestic charter is implemented allowing the team to monitor U.S. communications and take whatever actions deemed fit to protect the United States from the next terrorist attack.