The Evolution of Honey Girl
Honey Girl is an urban story of a young girl coming of age in Brooklyn, New York. Honey Girl, played by Mirena Alston, finds just...
Day of Miracles
“Day Of Miracles” is the Documentary about the “True-Life-Survivors” of the event at the New York Twin-Towers on September 11, 2001. The “Stars” are the...
Dawn of the Mummy
It all started with a seemingly harmless accident. A photographer using newly discovered Egyptian burial vault as an exotic background for his fashion shoot causes...
Cycle Of Fear: There Is No End
What do you fear? One year ago, 14 teenagers went missing. Tabetha, is the only known survivor of the group. Found by the side of...
Life, Death and Ganga
The film starts with Amro going to Varanasi to stay there for three days and at the end of the third day wants to kill...
Conquest of Space
A team of American astronauts leave their space station on the first mission to Mars, but the captain’s religious beliefs may get in the way.
Phantom From Space
An alien being with the power of invisibility lands in Santa Monica. Killing two people who attacked him due to the menacing appearance of his...
Next to Nothing
A young girl moves in with her estranged father. She joins a Family with a new stepmother and two teenaged stepsisters. Ellen soon discovers that...