Bloodstained Romance
Holden is a young college student, who has never believed in love at first sight... until he sees Sadie, a sweet young coed who is everything he's ever wanted. But when Holden's anti-social behavior, gets in the way of his attempts to talk to her, his life starts to unravel. Holden believes he loves her, and doesn't want to let that love go. He would do anything to keep it, and as the thin line between love and obsession, begins to smudge and fade, so does his reasoning of right and wrong. Soon lies, turn to murder, launching Holden into a spiraling bloodbath of violence and desperation, as he tries to hide the infatuation that feeds his madness. Through it all, he tries to cling to a trembling grip on reality, as love and pain coalesce, into a shocking "climax".