In the near future, where Earth has been devastated by man’s pollution and giant winds rule the planet, bounty hunter Matt kidnaps a murderer out...
Cotton Flowers
“Cotton Flowers” centers on the lives of four privileged teenagers. Though still safe and innocent a dysfunctional value system leaves them unprepared to defend themselves...
Born To Be Sold
A social worker tries to break up a ring of crooks who buy new-born babies from teen-aged mothers and sell them to couples who can’t...
Sting of Death
Dr. Richardson and his assistant Dr. John Hoyt are biologists who are living at Dr. Richardson’s island home doing research on the Portuguese Man-O-War jellyfish....
A simple stagecoach trip is complicated by the fact that Geronimo is on the warpath in the area. The passengers on the coach include a...
Pool Party
This Massive Cult Web-Hit made Gajillion of views over the internet still keeps on ROCKIN! … Matt is asked to house sit for his boss...
Two serial killers meet and fall in love in an asylum for the criminally insane. Upon escaping their corrupt captors, they flee to the country...
Put The Needle On The Record
Put the Needle on the Record is an award-winning documentary that explores the evolution of electronic music and the rise of the DJ in pop...